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DMES Asia-The 4th Asia Digital Marketing And Ecommerce Innovation Summit 2023

2023-01-15 0
文章摘要:活动网提供DMES Asia-The 4th Asia Digital Marketing And Ecommerce Innovation Summit 2023官网最新门票优惠(更新于:2023年01月13日)。DMES Asia-The 4th Asia Digital Marketing And Ecommerce Innovation Summit 2023将于2023年02月23日在新


聚会内容 主理方先容

DMES Asia-The 4th Asia Digital Marketing And Ecommerce Innovation Summit 2023宣传图


With Covid-19 ripping up the retail rulebook, today’s consumer is more connected online than ever; Asia, especially Southeast Asia sees the fastest ecommerce sales growth in the world in the past year. With more channels, formats and placements available for brands to capture consumers, how to keep-up & speak to the individual? how to turn data & consumer insights into commercial success? how to evolve the commerce experience in a post Covid-19 economy?


2023-02-23 9:00 - 2023-02-24 18:00/ Singapore,Singapore


  1. Ready for Retail 5.0: What the Future Holds for Digital Commerce in Southeast Asia
  2. Omnichannel Commerce Growth Based on CDP in Asia
  3. eCommerce Enablement: All-in-One eCommerce Solutions
  4. Metaverse: What’s next for Brand Marketing
  5. Winning Rules for Livestreaming Commerce in Southeast Asia
  6. How Traditional Brands Adopt a DTC Marketing Strategy
  7. Panel Discussion: From O2O to O2O2O: Jump on the Retail Revolution
  8. Marketing to Gen Z in SEA: What the New Wave of Consumers Want
  9. How to Leverage Multi-dimensional Data Analytics for Customer Lifetime Value Engagement

Conference features


If you want to know more about the summit content, please register for consultation


ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 200 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. We hold around 80 high-end summits every year which are involved in the fields of automotive, retail, textile, footwear, cybersecurity, hi-tech industry, etc.

We have served more than half of the Fortune 2,000 companies, and every year more than 6,000 delegates from multinational enterprises, specialized organizations and creative companies take part in our events, i.e. Daimler, Alibaba, Siemens, Microsoft, Huawei, VF Corporation, MSD, Fireeye, etc.

Our mission is to help our clients seize the development opportunity, meet current business challenges, and achieve sustainable development on a global scale through our professional services, and then, to further affect industry pattern and lead industry future.


上海希为投资治理有限公司(ECV international)于2010年在中国上海确立,是一家专门从事国际高端聚会谋划及承办的公司。我们为已经拥有或设计开发中国市场的外资企业提供专业的商业及治理咨询服务,主要致力于行业的智能、绿色及可延续生长等问题。我们通过与政府相关部门以及行业协会等机构的相助,乐成举行了一些具有行业影响力的高端国际性聚会,而且和许多跨国企业确立多次相助关系。通过我们延续的热情和卓绝的起劲,和我们的客户一起缔造价值。 公司文化:缔造价值,追求卓越 我们的愿景:成为值得信托的且能为客户缔造价值的相助同伴。

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