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2021-05-26 113









Ÿ   网络平安和数据平安打造数字经济生长的基石

Ÿ   《网络平安法》对企业网络平安战略制订的指导意义

Ÿ   网约车行业的网络平安和小我私人信息珍爱实践

Ÿ   可视化数据平安解决方案的主要作用

Ÿ   “数权时代”下隐私盘算的商用之路

Ÿ   医疗行业网络平安生长的应对措施分享

Ÿ   智慧零售靠山下的网络平安

Ÿ   上下游平安防护配合体的构建对供应链网络平安的主要性

Ÿ   小组讨论:疫情下的网络平安“新常态”

Ÿ   云盘算的网络平安挑战和时机

Ÿ   ……



大会地址:中国 -上海

大会主理方:上海希为 ECV International



Ÿ   2天聚会同声传译装备

Ÿ   纸质会刊、APP电子语音质料

Ÿ   2天五星级旅店自助午餐券、茶歇以及五星级旅店提供的所有茶点





联系人: Ciking Zhao

电话: 86 21 8026 0707-803



关于ECV International

上海希为(ECV International)是亚洲领先的国际高端商业峰会及流动的主理和承办机构,拥有近 200位行业研究及流动谋划、运营专家,每年在全球举行约40场高端国际峰会,涉及零售、汽车、纺织、鞋业、物联网、新科技等行业。


我们为跨越半数的财富 2,000 强企业提供专业的商业聚会及咨询服务,每年有跨越 6,000 位来自戴姆勒、通用电气、阿迪达斯、适口可乐、阿里巴巴、ABB等跨国公司、专业机构及创新企业的决议人加入我们的聚会和流动。我们的使命是通过提供专业服务辅助客户捉住生长时机、迎接挑战、实现全球局限内的可延续生长,进而影响行业名目,引领行业未来



The 3rd Asia Cybersecurity Innovation Summit 2021


With the increase in digital infrastructure, emerging technologies such as digitization, IoT, and AI have allowed people to experience the convenience brought by the Internet, but they have also increased the exposure of cybersecurity threats, making it difficult and complexed to protect cybersecurity. The complexity continues to increase. In China, "new infrastructure" has become the general direction of national development in the next few years; the core of the new infrastructure lies in the application of new generation information technologies such as 5G, big data, AI, and industrial Internet. The premise and foundation for the steady development of these digital technologies is to ensure network security. Globally, most companies have put cyber security in an important position in their overall strategic planning. The PwC survey pointed out that 55% of corporate executives plan to increase their cybersecurity budget in 2021, while 51% of corporate executives plan to increase their full-time network staff in 2021. In terms of market size, IDC predicts global security spending will reach US$174.7 billion in 2024.

The 3rd Asia Cybersecurity Summit 2021 will take place both online and in-person and bring together about 120 experts and executives from the cybersecurity industry to discuss how to ensure corporate cybersecurity and improve corporate operating efficiency while complying with cybersecurity laws. The topics of the conference will involve network security regulatory problems encountered by companies in practice, regulatory analysis and technical discussions on data privacy&security, cloud computing security, privacy computing, etc. At the same time, experts from the medical, chemical, and retail industries will also share their practical cybersecurity cases.

2021中国第三届AI 金融未来发展峰会

2021中国第三届AI 金融未来发展峰会



l  Cybersecurity and Data Security Build the Cornerstone of the Development of Digital Economy

l  The Guiding Significance of the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China to the Establishment of Enterprise Network Security Strategy

l  Cybersecurity and Personal Information Protection Practices in the Car-hailing Industry

l  The Important Role of Visualized Data Security Solutions

l  The Commercial Road of Private Computing under “Data Right Era”

l  Sharing of Countermeasures for the Development of Cybersecurity in the Medical Industry

l  Smart Retail’s Cybersecurity Strategy

l  The Importance of the Construction of Upstream and Downstream Security Protection Community to Supply Chain Cybersecurity

l  Panel Discussion: Cybersecurity "New Normal" under the COVID-19

l  Cloud Computing Cybersecurity Challenges and Opportunities

l  Identity Recognition and Access Management (IAM) in a Multi-cloud World

l  … …



l  PwC

l  Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China

l  DiDi

l  Intel

l  GE Healthcare

l  General Motors

l  Sephora

l  JD Logistics

l  ……


Summit time: June 17-18, 2021

Venue: Shanghai, China

Organizer: ECV International


We will provide:

Ÿ   Simultaneous interpretation device for 2-day conference

Ÿ   Brochure, recording materials

Ÿ   Two-day buffet lunch coupons, tea breaks and all refreshments provided by five-star hotels


More details, please visit our official website:



Contact Us:

Ciking Zhao

Tel: 86 21 8026 0707-803

E-Mail: cikingz@ecvinternational.com


About ECV International

ECV International is a leading organizer and contractor of high-end international business events in Asia, with nearly 200 professionals in industrial research and event planning & execution. Every year, we hold around 40 high-level international summits involved in the fields of vehicle, retail, textile, footwear, IoT, New Science & Technology industry, etc.

We have served more than half of the Fortune 2,000 companies, and every year more than 6,000 delegates from multinational enterprises, specialized organizations and creative companies take part in our events, i.e. Daimler, GE, Adidas, Coca-Cola, Alibaba, ABB, etc.
Our mission is to provide professional services to connect and inform the stakeholders who would be able to shape the industry landscape in the future and to create more value for our clientele through our efforts to help them seize opportunities, meet challenges and achieve sustainable development on a global basis.




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